Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mark Your Calendar

Please grab your calendar and lets get planning the rest of our year! We have some fun things planned as a team and I would LOVE for you to take part!

August 16, 2011 - 6:30 PM PLEASE do all you can to attend this meeting!!! WHY? Two exciting events will take place

  • FIRST - We're going to team SKYPE with Julie Lee and the Red Hot Chili Peppers in KY!! This meeting will take place two days after they return from Nationals and Julie is going to share ALL the exciting news with us!

  • SECOND - We're going to plan our September Team Party! We're going to decide on our menu as well as choose a gift set to purchase for our grand prize give-a-way.

Mark your calendar for this event you won't want to miss all the fun!!! Location TBA - We're planning on Gilligans but I have to check to see if we can SKYPE from that location. They do not have Wi-Fi but they do have something so I'm going to go test it out this next week to see if its powerful enough for SKYPE. Once we test it out I'll let you know if this is the location for our meeting.

September 13, 2011 - TEAM PARTY!!! - Gilligans on Ladson Rd
I spoke with Gilligans today and they have graciously invited us back to use their room for any of our events and meetings...FREE!!! This makes me so happy!!

Here are the details we know as of now....

  • Time To Arrive: 5:00- -5:30 PM (no later then 5:30 so we can get set up)

  • Invite 10 Guest - This event is to help you boost your business so invite your top 10 host or top 10 clients. People who will help boost your sales or get you fall bookings. Invite potential consultants start thinking who you can invite and start making a list!! Host coach yourself!

  • We'll each choose two food items to bring, paper product..napkins, plates..etc.

  • 10 Party Folders with enough supplies for your 10 guest

  • Help purchase Grand Prize - around $10-$15 depending on how many participate.

  • Two Tastefully Simple Items for Door Prizes

October 4, 2011 - Halloween Bash

  • Come to this meeting to hear great ways to market your business for Halloween. NO you do not have to dress up....well, unless you want to!

November 8, 2011 - A Thankful Heart

  • This meeting we're going to talk about ways to thank our clients and host for supporting our business through out the year.

December 6, 2011 - TEAM CHRISTMAS PARTY

  • We have a gift exchange with a $20 limit!

  • Gift theme is "business" - TS item from Merrill, Cute Tote Bag for catalogs and supplies, Gift Bag with Business items nice pen set, business card holder, stamps..etc, Hallmark Thank You Cards with Stamps...etc.

  • Remember our rules 1) Don't wait until the last minute to shop!! 2) Bring a gift YOU would like to receive!! Start thinking about it NOW

  • If you need help, just ASK!

I hope you'll mark your calendar and PLAN to join us for each meeting!! We're going to have a great time together!! Its not only about having a great time but its about getting encouragement from one another to learn and grow your business too...but we do have a great time!

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