Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Shadowing Ettiquette 101

Shadowing is an invaluable hands-on training for consultants. It’s important to remember you are ‘invited’ to shadow by another consultant. You will want to:

• Dress appropriately (no jeans/shorts). You are representing a multi million dollar company!

• Ask the party consultant where she would like you to sit. Depending on the room size and party count you won’t want to take a seat before a purchasing guest.

• Ask the party consultant if you can help! Having an extra hand to pour a sampled beverage or dish up a soup especially for larger parties is very helpful.

• Unless asked, please do not interrupt the party consultant by adding personal comments or make corrections!

• Remember, you are a guest so soliciting parties, orders or recruits is completely unprofessional.

• Do not bring your children! You would not take your children to a party you were holding! Many hosts have their children taken from the home so she can enjoy her guests and party. Others make arrangements for children to play in another room. You will not be able to get the most out of the shadowing experience if you are tending to your children. And it is completely unacceptable if your children are disrupting the party.

• Thank the host for allowing you to attend and shadow.

• Print off and take a Party Shadowing Worksheet (hqol/consultant area/site map/forms & checklists/the party/party shadowing worksheet. Use this to take notes and record questions you wan to ask the consultant after the party.

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