I would like to challenge you to do something the next time you have a potential host approach you. I would like to encourage you to seal the deal! What do I mean by that? Don't just hand out a card and let them go, I hate to say it but more then likely they will NOT call you back and you're going to find yourself hopeful again and again only to be disappointed.
If someone is hinting they want a party, get them booked!! Do you know your next available party dates? If you know those, its easy when someone shows interest to grab a business card and as your getting ready to write your next available party date say something like.."Hosting a TS party is not only easy but its so much fun. I love to party on Tuesday or Thursday so people can enjoy their weekend. How would a Thursday night work for you?" I always mention my next available party date first. When they say Thursday I then say, "Great, why don't we put you down for Thursday, August 4 at 6:30. If you'll give me your contact information I'll call you this evening when you're near your calendar and confirm that this date works for you and your family schedule." Then exchange contact information.
If you have your car near by get a party marketing kit (yes, keep your car stocked) and fill out the Party Planning guide together, start getting them excited about their party! FOLLOW UP like you said you would do and get it on your books. Its so easy to just hand out a card and say...call me! But step out of your comfort zone and get them booked!
Do this at your parties too! Keep your calendar on the table and get a date scheduled. Don't assume they will call you back....some will but MOST will NOT! At my party the other night the lady said, "I just moved so I don't have time to host a party and my new house is a mess." I followed up with that and said;
"I completely understand. Why don't we look at the end of September dates which will give you time to get settled, then all your friends can come over to see the new house and YOU can earn some free goodies to fill that new pantry." She said, "That would work for me!" Remember, a NO is not always a NO its simply a not now. When someone says No don't just say...OK! Listen to what they are saying and offer another choice. Seal the deal and get those parties BOOKED!!
Marketing Kit
- Party Planning Guide
- 5 Order Forms
- 3 Catalogs
- 15 Paper Invitations
- What Do You Want Flyer
- What Do You Want DVD
- Business Card
- Itty Bitty Chai (which I encourage them to drink as they fill out their guess list)
Set yourself up for success! Remember, if you don't get them booked, another consultant in town will!
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