Thursday, July 28, 2011

15 Party Theme Ideas

1. Pool Party--Hold show around pool, if no pool - get a small plastic play pool and fill with ice and drinks. You might even have a swimsuit contest! (or encourage people to wear one and be cool)

2. Saturday Brunches--while air is still cool, have a morning brunch or tea. exchange-bring favorite recipe and sample to share.

3. Summer Sizzle--Have the guest bring their favorite way to cool down to the party and let them judge who is the & coolest.

4. Sports--Decorate your table with your favorite sports teams themes and colors. Serve items great for those tailgate parties!

5. Patio Party--Have a party outside on the patio, serve nice tall glasses of Lovin Lemon Slush.

6. Garden Party--Have the show in some-ones garden have every guest wear their garden hat or big floppy hat.

7. Daycare Party--provide the sitter for a morning a day show for moms.

8. Christmas in September! Display our gift sets for early Christmas Shopping!! Talk about easy dishes/appetizers to make for those upcoming holiday parties!

9. Hawaiian Shirt Party--Each guest wears their favorite Hawaiian shirt, offer drink with little paper umbrellas; possibly get paper leis to put around each guest as they arrive.

10. Back to College or Off to College Party - Talk about goodies to send to your college kids as well as food they can cook in the dorms.

11. Big Chicken Party--Great way to get know new neighbors who just moved in or if you just moved. Invite people you don't know or don't know very well.

12. Men's Only Party--Invite the men for an afternoon of football, TS Food & Drink Buckets. Set up a display and let let them shop for Christmas presents during halftime, tell them that when they place a $50 order for their wife they get any singel item of their choice FREE!!

13. Dessert Lovers Party--Serve all our delicous desserts

14. Couple Party--Invite the significant others

15. BYOV Party--(Bring your own veggie : Make veggie pizza with our dips)

Other Ideas - Wedding Showers, Baby Showers, Birthday Parties, House Warming Parties, Anniversary Parties.

What type of themed party would you hold?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Shadowing Ettiquette 101

Shadowing is an invaluable hands-on training for consultants. It’s important to remember you are ‘invited’ to shadow by another consultant. You will want to:

• Dress appropriately (no jeans/shorts). You are representing a multi million dollar company!

• Ask the party consultant where she would like you to sit. Depending on the room size and party count you won’t want to take a seat before a purchasing guest.

• Ask the party consultant if you can help! Having an extra hand to pour a sampled beverage or dish up a soup especially for larger parties is very helpful.

• Unless asked, please do not interrupt the party consultant by adding personal comments or make corrections!

• Remember, you are a guest so soliciting parties, orders or recruits is completely unprofessional.

• Do not bring your children! You would not take your children to a party you were holding! Many hosts have their children taken from the home so she can enjoy her guests and party. Others make arrangements for children to play in another room. You will not be able to get the most out of the shadowing experience if you are tending to your children. And it is completely unacceptable if your children are disrupting the party.

• Thank the host for allowing you to attend and shadow.

• Print off and take a Party Shadowing Worksheet (hqol/consultant area/site map/forms & checklists/the party/party shadowing worksheet. Use this to take notes and record questions you wan to ask the consultant after the party.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Chicken Spaghetti

I love this recipe! When Mark and I were first married we were on a tight budget and this was created with the left-overs. Its so easy. If you want to freeze it for later date just don't add the cheese. When you thaw it, add the cheese and its even better the second time around. This recipe is for one batch so if making two just double. This will make a large serving in a 9x13 baking dish. Great for a potluck meal and great to fix the night before then a meal is ready for the next day. Although you can place this in the oven I like to layer with cheese in my slow-cooker. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

  • 2lb Boneless Chicken Breast, cooked & chopped

  • 2 tsp Seasoned Salt

  • 16oz Spaghetti Noodles, cooked & drained (see not in recipe below)

  • 4 Chicken Bouillon Cubes

  • 1 Green Pepper, chopped

  • 1 tsp Onion Onion

  • 1/2 tsp Garlic Garlic

  • 1 cup Celery, chopped

  • 1 cup Carrots, chopped

  • 1 large can of Cream of Mushroom Soup

  • 2 small cans Cream of Celery

  • 1 jar Pimentos (optional)

  • 2 cups Grated Sharp Cheddar Cheese

    • How to Prepare...

    • Saute green peppers, onion onion, garlic garlic, pimentos and celery with 1 bouillon cube until tender. After tender add soups and mix well. Set to the side.

    • Cook chicken until tender. I like to season mine with seasoned salt for flavoring. Cut into bite size peaces.

    • Cook spaghetti with remaining bouillon cubes. Don't cook all the way because it will continue to cook in the oven or crock-pot. Drain but save 1/2 cup liquid. Add spaghetti to large mixing bowl.

    • In small bowl add soup mixture and chicken broth and mix well

    • Add to spaghetti noodles and mix together.

    • Sprinkle cheese on top.

    • Pour into buttered baking dish.

    • Bake 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes until cheese is melted and hot.

    • You can also place this in your crock-pot, cook on low for 4-6 hours. Don't forget your slow-cooker liner for easy clean up!

      • What I Like To Serve With It...

      • Steamed Broccoli

      • Garlic Bread

        • Monday, July 25, 2011

          Seal The Deal

          I've read many forum post on how excited consultants are that someone approached them or hinted they would like to have a party. They've handed out a business card and are now hopeful they will call to book a party! That is exciting when that happens, isn't it? But we've all been there when a hot lead turns into a cold, dead, fish! Then you're on to the next one and you find yourself "hopeful" again to only be disappointed again. Don't set yourself up for failure, set yourself up for success!!

          I would like to challenge you to do something the next time you have a potential host approach you. I would like to encourage you to seal the deal! What do I mean by that? Don't just hand out a card and let them go, I hate to say it but more then likely they will NOT call you back and you're going to find yourself hopeful again and again only to be disappointed.

          If someone is hinting they want a party, get them booked!! Do you know your next available party dates? If you know those, its easy when someone shows interest to grab a business card and as your getting ready to write your next available party date say something like.."Hosting a TS party is not only easy but its so much fun. I love to party on Tuesday or Thursday so people can enjoy their weekend. How would a Thursday night work for you?" I always mention my next available party date first. When they say Thursday I then say, "Great, why don't we put you down for Thursday, August 4 at 6:30. If you'll give me your contact information I'll call you this evening when you're near your calendar and confirm that this date works for you and your family schedule." Then exchange contact information.

          If you have your car near by get a party marketing kit (yes, keep your car stocked) and fill out the Party Planning guide together, start getting them excited about their party! FOLLOW UP like you said you would do and get it on your books. Its so easy to just hand out a card and me! But step out of your comfort zone and get them booked!

          Do this at your parties too! Keep your calendar on the table and get a date scheduled. Don't assume they will call you back....some will but MOST will NOT! At my party the other night the lady said, "I just moved so I don't have time to host a party and my new house is a mess." I followed up with that and said;
          "I completely understand. Why don't we look at the end of September dates which will give you time to get settled, then all your friends can come over to see the new house and YOU can earn some free goodies to fill that new pantry." She said, "That would work for me!" Remember, a NO is not always a NO its simply a not now. When someone says No don't just say...OK! Listen to what they are saying and offer another choice. Seal the deal and get those parties BOOKED!!

          Marketing Kit
          I've told you this before but my Dad taught me, "You can't sell out of an empty ship!" So, my ships are my purse and my van. I keep both stocked with business cards, flyers, catalogs and marketing kits for those glorious moments when business just drops in your lap. I keep my Marketing Kits in a zip lock bag so everything stays neat and organized. I keep the following in my kit:

          • Party Planning Guide

          • 5 Order Forms

          • 3 Catalogs

          • 15 Paper Invitations

          • What Do You Want Flyer

          • What Do You Want DVD

          • Business Card

          • Itty Bitty Chai (which I encourage them to drink as they fill out their guess list)

          Set yourself up for success! Remember, if you don't get them booked, another consultant in town will!

          Friday, July 22, 2011

          By The Dozen

          Has anyone ever asked..."Do you sell this by the case?" What would you say? The answer is YES, yes we do sell by the case! Its your business and you can sell by the case, by the pallet or by the truck load! LOL! What I do when I have a client ask that question I tell them. "Yes, if there is an item you would like to buy by the case I offer a bakers dozen sale. You purchase a dozen and I'll give you an additional one FREE." Let's do the math....

          Item: Honey Teriyaki Sauce

          Price: $8.99

          Your Cost $6.69

          12 x $8.99 = $107.88

          $107.88 x 30% = $32.36

          Free Bottle = $6.69

          Total Profit = $25.67

          Before you offer any sale always do the math to make sure its a good sale not only for your clients but a good sale for you as a business person. Offering a Bakers Dozen sale is also a fun thing to do on your facebook wall! They can order a dozen of one item or a variety of items.

          Thursday, July 21, 2011

          Point Game

          Here is the fun game we played at our Sweet 16 Birthday Bash! Cathy did a great job and a few have asked for a copy of the game so its posted below. Hope you have great results with it at your party.

          Point Game
          I wonder who came here from afar,
          Give yourself 5 if you came by car.

          Were you on time? Not one minute late?
          Punctuality pays so give yourself 8.

          A watch is 6 and each ring is 2,

          10 more points if your eyes are not blue.

          Score yourself 5 if you show any pink,

          But take away 10 if you left dishes in the sink.

          Count all of your buttons... each gives you 1
          Except if they are white and then you get none.

          For each bow that you have add on 2

          But safety pins are taboo,

          So for each one you're wearing
          you must subtract 2.

          1 point for each year that you have been wed,

          But take away 5 if your purse is red.

          Now sons are neat, on that we agree
          So for each one you have you my now add 3.

          But when adding up points, girls are worth more
          So for each one that you have you may now add 4.

          If you kissed your husband or boyfriend today, add 12
          If you kissed them both you must subtract 20
          Because you're in trouble and trouble a plenty!

          Now, that's all there is so total your score
          Except if you're a special friend, there IS one more.

          It's 50 points bonus for VIP
          If you'll be a Party hostess for ME!!

          Tuesday, July 19, 2011

          35 Ways To Find Customers

          1. Take advantage of the advertising of others.

          2. Call others about their ads and offer them your service.

          3. Post flyer's in apartments.

          4. Leave catalogs a auto repair shops (women love looking at magazines while waiting)

          5. Wear a badge.

          6. Wear buttons.

          7. Approach bake sales with a fund raiser.

          8. Let your bank now what the deposit is for. Give the teller a catalog. Put a business card/flyer in night deposit envelopes.

          9. Trade your product/service one home party for another is a great way to get bookings.

          10. Hang a flyer inside a bathroom stall door. Captive audience.

          11. Bring a catalog to a beauty salon.

          12. Use car magnets - clings for windows

          13. Let everyone you ever worked with know what you do.

          14. Make a goal to give out a certain number of cards/flyers per day. When you give out a catalog get contact information so you can follow up!

          15. Hand out your business card with all transactions each day. Always ask for a business card in return.

          16. Free lunch drawings. Put your card in fish bowls.

          17. Get a restaurant to sponsor your drawing.

          18. Magnetize your business card - ask me for magnets!

          19. Use your card as a bookmark in the library books. Leave them in the books when you return your them.

          20. Instead of tear flyers use your business card at the bottom of the flyer.

          21. Look for bulletin boards and leave a flyer.

          22. Fundraiser Car Washes--stop in and tell them of your fundraiser.

          23. Put up catalogs in all waiting rooms.

          24. Join a club or network group.

          25. Corporate Gift Giving. Offer your product.

          26. Leave a lead box in businesses you go to a lot.

          27. Go door to door--introduce yourself and your business.

          28. Look on the internet for new bulletin boards to post your product.

          29. Fast food, where the Moms are.

          30. Always keep flyers with you to hand out.

          31. Go to garage sales. Give them flyers to pass out for you. Offer a gift incentive.

          32. Home Shows/Expos

          33. Home Owner Association. Put an ad in their paper.

          34. Always wear a logo ware to the health club/gym and outings.

          35. Ask for referrals.

          What are your tips? I would love to grow the list!!

          Monday, July 18, 2011

          Taco Chicken

          Taco Chicken

          One of my favorite meals is Taco Chicken! I love easy meals and since its summer, I love meals that don't require a lot of kitchen time or heat! I hope you enjoy this yummy meal too!


          3lb Boneless Chicken Breast

          1 pkg Tempting Taco Cheese Ball Seasoning

          2 tbsp Olive Oil

          Chopped Lettuce

          Diced Tomato

          2 cups Sliced Cheese

          Sour Cream

          Corn and Black Bean Salsa

        • Season the chicken with the taco seasoning and set to the side

        • In a skillet heat Olive Oil and saute chicken until done

          • After chicken is done top with cheese then add to a plate of lettuce & tomatoes

          • Top with salsa, sour cream and if desired more cheese

          I hope you enjoy this dish as much as my family enjoys it!

          Friday, July 15, 2011

          Do You Have A Goal?

          Reaching Goals in Direct Sales

          From surveys and experience, we've noticed many setting excellent goals for their business. We've also noticed that while the goals being set are good, the results aren't. Around 90% of those in Direct Sales do SET goals, but never reach them.

          So the question comes to mind.....are you making the right plans to reach your goals? It's GREAT to set a certain amount you want to make, so you have a little motivation, but without the proper planning reaching that goal is going to be more difficult.

          Ask yourself the following questions:

          What have you done in the past that created sales?
          How can you improve on ideas for creating sales?
          What ideas for sales have you seen but not tried?

          Take a minute to write down every way you can think of to make your sales (such as through parties, catalog shows, drawings, etc), then make some more specific goals for doing each task. Such as "contact 10 people and book at least 3 shows".

          Once you have a plan in motion, be sure to stick with it! A dream won't become reality if you are just simply wishing for it.

          If you have an idea of how to get to your goal, well that's half the battle. The next part of course is taking action. You should have your goals AND plans clearly written in a place you can see. It's true everyone has their own way of setting and reaching goals, which is fine, but everyone needs to have them BOTH written down in some way.

          If you don't have a goal or even a plan, now is a perfect time to start!

          About the Authors: Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank are two busy wahms, and the owners of Direct Sales Helpers - . For more Direct Sales Success Tips, visit:

          Thursday, July 14, 2011

          Dice Game

          Set up:
          1) get 2 die and 11 envelopes. Number your envelopes #2 - 12
          2) Put a folded piece of paper with a prize or the words book a party in the following envelopes

          #2 -- they get the Grand Prize (i do a soup or bucket drink)
          #3, 4, 5, 12 -- they get a small prize -- either the small cookbook or the itty bitty chai ($1.99 value)
          #6,7,8,9,10,11 - write "Book a Party"

          At the party"
          1) Tell them you have a fun game that was a blast at your last party. Let them know its a lot of fun and encourage them to play
          2) Tell them its optional to play
          3) Like any game there are rules - and if you play the game you have to agree to the rules
          4) Tell them that they'll roll the dice - and then they get the envelope of the number that shows on the dice. (so they roll a 7 - they get envelope #7)
          5) If 2 people roll the same number - just have them roll again - or have 2 sets of envelopes with you
          6) Tell them that they have the option of winning one of 3 things
          - a prize, a grand prize or a free shopping spree on you -- which means they'll book a party or a catalog party. Make sure they know that one of the options is booking a party -- so if they play -there is a chance that they'll need to. If they absolutely don't want a party - don't play. but if they would have one -- then go ahead. Say the prizes a couple of times so that everyone knows the options
          7) Start with one person and say "do you want to play" - if they do - hand them the dice and the corresponding envelope. Tell them NOT to open them until the end. Go around the room like this - asking each person individually if they want to play
          8) Once everyone who wants to rolls the dice - tell them that you are now going to play Let's Make a Deal.
          -- if they def. want a party and tell you right now -- BEFORE they open the envelope they will receive another prize (you decide -- could be the Grand Prize again, a drink bucket, a product of their choice, a dessert, etc. Its got to be a prize that people would want though). So if they book a party before they open the envelope - you'll give them the prize PLUS whatever is in the envelope. (remind them that they could have a prize or the grand prize in there) Then go to each person individually and say, "do you want to have a party" - then let them open their envelope.
          - I found that most people holding envelopes booked before they even opened to see what their prize was .

          The chances of someone getting the grand prize is slim because they need to roll snake eyes. The only thing that I do is I do NOT give them the "consellation" gift until they actually have their party, that way if they do back out, you won't lose product. I will put it on they hostess order the night of their own party.....get it?? I did order some of the "itty bitty chai" and the individual "garlic garlic" just to have so they could go home with the actual item when they open the envelope.

          I would love to hear your success on this game!

          Source: Team Mentor Cara Hayden

          Wednesday, July 13, 2011

          July Team Meeting

          Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead

          Thanks to Perkins for allowing us to have our meeting in the banquet room all alone!

          OK, I I brought mine home for my husband for lunch!

          I was to busy running my mouth!

          Kim Ozborne, Anne Marie Hill (adopted), Von Potter (joining in August)

          What a great time we had at our July team meeting!! I love having a large group but you know sometimes when its just a few you really get to know one another better! This evening we accomplished a lot in our little bit of time. I hope you'll make plans to join us next time because we missed YOU!!


          Everyone filled out a Coaching Assessment so I'm clear on what you would like from me. I would love for you to take a moment and fill one out too! Just click HERE and print it off, fill it out and mail it to me. THANKS!!

          How To Fill That Calendar

          • Create A Calendar - Highlight dates you would like to party

          • How do you find people to book party's? Fill out Who Do You Know list

          • Once your calendar is highlighted and your list is filled out next get familiar with scripting. Know what your going to say and anticipate a response. Turn that NO into a YES!

          • Make the call - Don't just send emails but pick up the phone and call!!

            Goal Setting

            • Work your business 15 minutes everyday

            • Set weekly goals, monthly goals, yearly goals

            • Handout - Each guest received a cute dry erase board with Sun-Sat dates so they can write down their daily 15 minute goals.

              Business Clients

            • We talked about how to promote our gift sets during your party for business gifts. When you get to the gift collections at your party ask..."Did you enjoy the delicious food this evening? Then if you enjoyed it just think how much your family and friends will enjoy it when they receive a gift from you!" Remember me when its gift giving time!

            • Raising my hand...I ask..who here works outside of the home? When they raise their hand I say "Here is what I would like to do for you!" If you refer me to your company sales department for gift giving and if they purchase gift sets from me for the holidays I'll set you up as the host and you'll receive all the host rewards from their order!" Eyes have been lighting up and I have a few business contacts now to work on for Christmas!

              • Facebook

              • We talked about how to set up a facebook fan page and events for your host. This post will follow soon....

              • Introduction of our new Team're on it now!! Don't you love it?

                This is just a small recap of our meeting! It was a great night and I look forward to our next meeting August 16, 2011 @ 6:30 PM. See you soon!!!

              • Mark Your Calendar

                Please grab your calendar and lets get planning the rest of our year! We have some fun things planned as a team and I would LOVE for you to take part!

                August 16, 2011 - 6:30 PM PLEASE do all you can to attend this meeting!!! WHY? Two exciting events will take place

                • FIRST - We're going to team SKYPE with Julie Lee and the Red Hot Chili Peppers in KY!! This meeting will take place two days after they return from Nationals and Julie is going to share ALL the exciting news with us!

                • SECOND - We're going to plan our September Team Party! We're going to decide on our menu as well as choose a gift set to purchase for our grand prize give-a-way.

                Mark your calendar for this event you won't want to miss all the fun!!! Location TBA - We're planning on Gilligans but I have to check to see if we can SKYPE from that location. They do not have Wi-Fi but they do have something so I'm going to go test it out this next week to see if its powerful enough for SKYPE. Once we test it out I'll let you know if this is the location for our meeting.

                September 13, 2011 - TEAM PARTY!!! - Gilligans on Ladson Rd
                I spoke with Gilligans today and they have graciously invited us back to use their room for any of our events and meetings...FREE!!! This makes me so happy!!

                Here are the details we know as of now....

                • Time To Arrive: 5:00- -5:30 PM (no later then 5:30 so we can get set up)

                • Invite 10 Guest - This event is to help you boost your business so invite your top 10 host or top 10 clients. People who will help boost your sales or get you fall bookings. Invite potential consultants start thinking who you can invite and start making a list!! Host coach yourself!

                • We'll each choose two food items to bring, paper product..napkins, plates..etc.

                • 10 Party Folders with enough supplies for your 10 guest

                • Help purchase Grand Prize - around $10-$15 depending on how many participate.

                • Two Tastefully Simple Items for Door Prizes

                October 4, 2011 - Halloween Bash

                • Come to this meeting to hear great ways to market your business for Halloween. NO you do not have to dress up....well, unless you want to!

                November 8, 2011 - A Thankful Heart

                • This meeting we're going to talk about ways to thank our clients and host for supporting our business through out the year.

                December 6, 2011 - TEAM CHRISTMAS PARTY

                • We have a gift exchange with a $20 limit!

                • Gift theme is "business" - TS item from Merrill, Cute Tote Bag for catalogs and supplies, Gift Bag with Business items nice pen set, business card holder, stamps..etc, Hallmark Thank You Cards with Stamps...etc.

                • Remember our rules 1) Don't wait until the last minute to shop!! 2) Bring a gift YOU would like to receive!! Start thinking about it NOW

                • If you need help, just ASK!

                I hope you'll mark your calendar and PLAN to join us for each meeting!! We're going to have a great time together!! Its not only about having a great time but its about getting encouragement from one another to learn and grow your business too...but we do have a great time!

                Tuesday, July 12, 2011

                Recruting Tips

                Twelve Recruiting Tips

                1. One of the first mistakes everyone makes in Recruiting was trying to find that one "perfect" Recruit, that you overlook the other nine who would also been "good" in this business.

                2. Different people have different qualities. We constantly try to look or listen for those qualities which make a good designer. Don't look for someone who is "Miss Perfect". Nobody is perfect, but everyone can develop the qualities they need to succeed. Encourage the fine qualities the person does have.

                3. Talk recruiting to everyone, but don't try to recruit everyone. There is a difference. Try to look for women who are outgoing, ambitious, fun-loving, and who have a sense of creativity. People who are like this are easier to Recruit and they are more likely to stay with it.

                4. Never recruit with the idea of "what's in it for me". Always be willing to help people with the great opportunity. After all someone offered it to you.

                5. Don't wait for someone to approach you. Nine times out of ten, they won't.

                6. Don't think of recruiting only on parties, Recruits are everywhere you go. Just Listen!

                7. Listen to their needs and show how our company can fill them. For instance, if someone needs extra income and wants a job, don't tell her about the cruises or other prizes. Chances are she won't believe you simply because she can't relate to it. Respond with the information she needs to know.

                8. Anytime you find the qualities we look for in a recruit, tell her about them and how they would benefit her with your company. She may not even be aware of them.

                9. Don't let looks deceive you. Look for someone who smiles and can get along with people, one who loves the products and believed that your company is best for them.

                10. Always let them see this JOB as the business it is, as the career they can develop. Whether they want to work full-time or part-time, it is still a job to be done to the best of their ability. If you see your business as a job, so will they.

                11. Take them with you an your job, let them actually see how it all works and show her/him your profit. If you made it look hard, it is over but if it looks easy, they will want to be a part of it and as we know Tastefully SIMPLE is SIMPLE.

                12. At a party listen to the person who loves everything, can't afford much, is looking for a job, bored, and/or wanting something to do because their children are grown or they want to stay home with their children. Please don't bypass people who have careers now- for these are the people who want to work and make something of their lives.

                Got more tips? I would love to hear from you!!

                Monday, July 11, 2011

                Chicken Quesadillas

                The last time I was in need of a quick meal I was in the store and picked up a bag of frozen Chicken Quesadillas. When I cooked them I was sickened at the brown mush that was inside. It was a name brand but nothing I would want to serve my family. So, again I found myself needing a quick and easy meal as we've been on the run all day. So on the menu this evening, homemade Chicken Quesadillas. I love keeping cooked cubed chicken in the freezer for quick meals and today I was glad I could just pull out a bag and have a much better meal for my family. It saved me $20 from getting fast food and much tastier too. Hope you enjoy these!

                2lb Cooked Chicken Breast-Seasoned with TS Seasoned Salt
                4 c Shredded Cheese any flavor
                Bushes Grillin' Beans - I used the Texas Ranchero
                10 Four Tortilla Shells
                Pam Cooking Spray
                Prepared Fiesta Dip

                Warm griddle and spray with Pam
                Place Tortilla on Griddle
                Add toppings in order - cheese, beans, chicken, cheese
                Add additional tortilla shell on top and gently push down
                Spray tortilla with cooking spray
                Flip when both shells are browned slightly
                Slice with pizza cutter

                Use prepared Fiesta Dip for dipping and....

                Friday, July 8, 2011

                Host Thank You Gift

                Do you like to say Thank You to a host or give a special gift to someone who books a party? One thing I would like to encourage you NOT to do is, don't give away the moon! Remember, for every item you give away that is money taken from your 30%. I know many consultants are giving away an item of your choice; however, if you give away a $10 drink bucket do you know that is 7% of your 30% profit? Numbers speak volumes!! When trying to fill your calendar get them excited about hosing a party and they will love anything you give them. Build up our awesome host reward program and point out, if your host has a $400 party with 15 outside orders what they can earn:

              • $65 Shopping Spree-That's like getting the Perfect 10 Collection for just $15

              • Up to 5 items Half Price for Booking Rewards

              • Extra Host Incentive for the Month

              • An extra round of samples in her refrigerator - Give your host 2 cups for dips so she has an extra round in her refrigerator to serve to her family the next day.

                • Now, I would say that is a great reward system and guess what...those rewards don't cost you at all...keeping that 30% in your pocket!

                  So be cautious when giving extra rewards, do the math and see if you can really afford to give that "big" gift!!

                  My Prize Basket

                  My prize basket is really small so I can fill it and it looks really full! Inside I have our $1.99 cookbooks, Itty Bitty Chai, Individual packs of Garlic Garlic, and the individual packets from the Trio. I like to use these items as my prizes because the purchase goes towards my part 1 sales.

                  I give these away if we play a game, I hand the basket to my host as I'm Thanking her for allowing us to come to her home and if the person who she booked a party from is there I give her the Thank You basket too and thank her for the booking. Since I've started doing that my host are returning to the party because they know the get a goodie from the basket and then they always place a reorder so its a win win!!

                  Thursday, July 7, 2011

                  40 Spoons Q&A Game

                  40 Spoon Q&A Game

                  Take 40 plastic spoons numbered #1-40. At the beginning of your party say something like...Our parties are a party! Not a lecture! I love your feed back and I love questions about my business! For each question, you'll get a special gift (hold up a spoon...they will laugh!) Then say with this spoon you could win a special gift hold up gift or hold up your goodie basket. So ask your questions about my business and I'll give you your special gift!!

                  Give a spoon to each guest that asks a question throughout the party. Tell them to write down the number of their spoon(s) on their order form. At the end of the party throw their spoon in an empty drink bucket and call a winner at the end of the party for a prize!

                  I love playing this game because it points out those interested in doing what you do! Don't rob them of the opportunity!

                  If you play this game I would love to hear from you! What is your favorite party game?

                  Wednesday, July 6, 2011

                  Saving For The New Season

                  We're just a few short weeks away from the start of our new season! Before you know it, its going to be time to restock your supplies with the new Fall/Winter line of products. Start putting away money now from your party sales so come mid August you're ready to restock and hit the Fall/Winter Season running. Saving back $100 - $150 will give you a good start on the upcoming season. Below is a list of supplies you'll want to restock:

                • Catalogs

                • Order Forms

                • Invitations

                • Party Food Kits (Don't forget, if you have parties scheduled for September you'll need to purchase party food kits for each party. What I like to do is call my host to see if she would like to place a reorder and see if she would like to purchase a drink bucket or a specialty item for her upcoming party)

                • Expo Flyer's

                • New Line To Sample & Display

                • There may be a few optional items to add to the list when the exciting news comes out after Nationals. Don't be caught unprepared for the upcoming season. Its the perfect time to start planning.

                  Tuesday, July 5, 2011

                  Sorry, Can't Come!!

                  Do you ever get to a party and your host phone starts to ring and person after person starts saying....sorry, but I can't make it this evening! I've had that happen and it can turn what I thought was going to be a good party into a small gathering.

                  Has your host ever started to get mad or sad because everyone is backing out? With just a few phone calls the host mood can change from upbeat and happy to doom and gloom! Well, I was sick of it, so I've started to help my host with those phone calls or text! The day of the party I talk with my host and give her a plan of action in case those calls come in. I tell her....If you have friends who text or call and say they can't make it then let's go ahead and direct them to my the TS website and have them place their order online so they can start filling their pantry with TS goodies and in turn help boost your party sales. Suggest your guest purchase the Essential 4 Collection or the Perfect 10. I also encourage them to ask if they would help her out by hosting their own party. Guess what?
                  My host love it! Not only do they love suggesting their friends go online to shop but they also are getting bookings! My last few parties have resulted in online orders and additional bookings! Not only that but its turned my host frown...
                  upside down knowing she has online sales as well as an additional half price item because her friend has now booked a party! Saving a friendship! LOL! Try it, I bet it will work for you too! I would love to hear your party tips too!

                  Happy 4th of July!!

                  Consultant Lisa Stanley & Daughter Kiley
                  She is so cute!!

                  Hope you had a wonderful family time today! We enjoyed a very relaxing morning at home, then a nice picnic at the park with family, followed by the Goose Creek fireworks display. I feel blessed to be an American!

                  Saturday, July 2, 2011

                  Sampling Spices

                  How do you sample your non dip spices? Sometimes that can be tricky because if they get to strong of a bite then it turns them off but if you don't sample then they don't realize how good our seasonings are. I push our spices hard because I know if I can get people using them it will change their cooking and keep them coming back for more. Here are a few tips on how to sample your non dip seasonings....these are delicious to make for personal snack too and amazing in soup!!

                  OYSTER SNACK CRACKERS
                  1 box/bag oyster crackers
                  3 Tbsp. melted butter
                  1 sample packet of your choice Garlic Pepper Seasoning, Seasoned Salt, Simply Southwest Seasoning (about 1½ Tbsp. if you want to use your shaker jar)
                  1 gallon-size Ziploc bag

                  Melt butter, add seasoning of choice; mix well. Pour oyster crackers into Ziploc bag; add melted butter mixture, seal bag and shake to coat crackers. Spread coated oyster crackers in an even layer on a parchment-lined or greased baking sheet. Bake at 350° for 10 minutes. Remove to cooling rack; cool completely. Store in airtight container. Makes 8-10 servings.

                  HAPPY BAKING!! ~Gayle
                  (Thanks Gayle)

                  Other Seasoning Ideas

                  • Drizzle seasoned butter mixture over popcorn

                  • Save back two slices of beer bread and drizzle butter mixture cut and serve

                  • Sprinkle over cucumbers or sliced tomatoes

                  Would love to hear your ideas too!!


                  Welcome to The Mustard Seed Team!! The goal of this blog is to provide you with information to help you build a successful Tastefully Simple business. There are so many things I've wanted to show you and teach you that is difficult to do in an email. So make sure to check back from time to time to learn tips, hear the latest team news and maybe just find a delicious recipe. I LOVE to hear your comments, so I hope you'll join our blog and take an active roll in providing information.

                  I would LOVE for you to take part in our blog too. Photos are great, so if you want to include photos you can email them to me at my new team email address which is
         and I'll get them posted.

                  I'm looking forward to great things together and keeping in mind...nothing shall be impossible unto you!

                  Friday, July 1, 2011

                  Samples On The Go!!

                  If you'll get into a habit of organizing your supplies as they arrive it will save you time when its party day! When my samples arrive I get my zip lock bags out and package them for my upcoming parties.
                  The Spring-Summer 2011 Sample Assortment A includes:
                  6 - Blue Aztec Chips Sample
                  6 - Dried Tomato & Garlic Pesto Mix Sample
                  1 - Honey Teriyaki Sauce Sample (6 - 1.25 fl. oz. cups)
                  1 - Pomegranate Chipotle Sauce Sample (6 - 1 fl. oz. cups)
                  1 - Rhubarb Strawberry Fruit Spread Sample (6 - 1.25 oz. cups)
                  6 - Simply Southwest™ Seasoning & Rub Sample (0.4 oz)
                  6 - Twisty Grahams™ Sample (3.5 oz.)
                  1 - Vine-Ripened Salsa Sample (6 - 3 oz. cups)

                  When your samples arrive, get 6 zip lock bags and add one of each sample into the bag. On the outside of the bag write Assortment A. Then when you go to a party all you need to do is grab a bag and go! I like to keep a note on my host coaching checklist that we sampled Party Food Kit 1 and Sample Rotation A so when her friends book a parties we can sample Food Kit 2 with Assortment B. Take time to get organized, remember, time is money so don't waist it!

                  Zip Lock Bag - When the party is over I put my black plates in the bag then bring them home and throw them in the dishwasher! Easy clean up!!

                  The Perfect Breakfast

                  Lindsey came up with the "Perfect Breakfast" recipe. She used it for the Pizza Pizzaz Competition at the Coastal Carolina Fair. She calls it "Perfect Breakfast" because the Bacon Bacon makes it PERFECT!

                  Perfect Breakfast

                  7 slices cooked bacon, crumbled

                  1 c grated sharp cheddar cheese
                  7 slices Canadian Bacon (cut up)
                  ¼ c slightly melted butter (to spread on crust)
                  1 c sausage gravy (we use Libby’s)
                  1 Mama Rosa’s 12” prebaked pizza crust (deep dish works best)
                  3 eggs
                  1 tsp Bacon Bacon Spice

                  Preheat oven to 350.
                  Spread melted butter on pizza crust.
                  Lightly scramble eggs with Bacon Bacon Spice.
                  Mix with bacon, Canadian bacon, sausage gravy, and cheese.
                  Spread mixture on crust and bake per crust directions.

                  *One adaptation we tried was making bites with crescent rolls--- pinch 2 triangles together to make a rectangle, spoon mixture on and roll up—cut into sections after baking. Makes for a more “portable” breakfast treat.

                  Thank you for submitting your recipe to me Lindsey!!