Sunday, January 8, 2012

Corn & Black Bean Chicken

I like to make dishes that are not only quick and easy but I also like to make enough for another meal. This recipe is doubled so it makes a enough for two meals. ENJOY!


2lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips
1 pkg Taco Seasoning Mix
1 tbsp Tastefully Simple Fiesta Dip Mix (1/2 cap full - if you like it spicier add a whole cap full)
1 each green and red pepper, cut into strips
1 cup frozen corn
1 jar Tastefully Simple Corn & Black Bean Salsa
2 cup Mexican Style Finely Shredded Four Cheese
Sour Cream

Easy To Make

TOSS chicken with taco seasoning and place in slow cooker. Stir in vegetables and salsa; cover with lid.

COOK on LOW 6 to 8 hours (or on HIGH 3 to 4 hours).

STIR just before serving; top with cheese and if desired sour cream.

SERVE over rice with tossed salad and corn bread

DAY TWO: This dish freezes well so you can put half away for another meal or serve it the next day for lunch wrapped in a flour tortilla.

Comments are always welcomed....enjoy!


One thing I'm focused on this year is client care. I have a pretty good reorder business from some faithful clients but I want to increase that this year. I mean if we have 98% company wide satisfaction from our client surveys why am I not following up for reorders? This year that is one area I'm placing my focus, client care!

The last person to buy from you is the most likely to buy again and soon but if you don't follow up they will order from the next consultant who offers it to them or not at all. A repeat customer does not happen by accident. A repeat customer is the result of a relationship you have built up through customer service. Care for your customer and they will for your merchandise and they won't. The point is...what are you doing to bring your customer back? Good customer care matters because keeping existing customers is easier than finding new ones, and satisfied customers will do a lot of advertising for you. Most people consider doing business with a certain company because of a recommendation by a friend or acquaintance.

Julie Lee helped me by saying she has struggled in her business and instead of putting the focus on all the wrong she has done she was putting the focus on "start where you are". Those four little words have rang in my head over the past few months. We all have things we "wish" we would have done differently but we can't do anything to change the past, we're only in control of the future.

START WHERE YOU ARE - Facebook and emails are great tools but nothing is better then picking up the phone and making that personal contact. Yes, I know, everyone hates to do it, but if you want to grow your business, its a must!

GETTING STARTED - The first thing I did to get started on client care is print a few reports. You can log into My HQ, click on Reports, then click on Client Care Listings. From there you can print client reports on many topics. I printed clients who placed $50 orders and above for 2011, I was shocked how many clients that generated. Why am I not contacting them? They love it enough to place a large order so I bet they are ready for a reorder!

OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND - Why print the reports? Well, as the old saying goes, out of sight, out of mind. Often I don't have time to sit for an hour or two at the computer to make client calls (and really, who does?). I like to print the reports so I can have them with me. If I have a few minutes, I pull out the report and make a few phone calls. I'm on the go a lot so I like to keep the list with me. If I'm waiting on the boys getting a hair cut, Dad at the doctor, soccer lessons, magic meeting..etc. I don't waist the time just sitting. I use that time to make client care calls.

SET A GOAL - Set a goal how many calls you want to make a day or a week. My goal is 25 a week. Now that does not mean 25 messages left, that mean 25 actual contacts made.

WHAT TO SAY - One reason we hate to make the calls is because we may not know what to say when we call. This week I'm calling and putting the focus on our clearance items, our stoneware and our 50% more host rewards in January. I start by introducing myself, ask it they have a moment then go right into I'm calling to let you know we have a few items on clearance such as our Southwest Season & Rub is marked down from $8.99 to just $5.06. I see you ordered ____ back in ____ and just wanted to follow up to see if you were ready for a reorder. If they ordered seasonings I mention we have the Essential 4 collection for $39.99 which give you three spices and of course our beer bread. Once we've talked I ask would you like to add clearance items (keep a list in front of you).

If they say they are broke I always say something like....

  • "I completely understand, the holidays took a lot out of all of us. Have you ever considered owning your own TS business? With our additional host rewards this month we could book a party and all your host rewards plus 50% more can go towards owning your own business to help you earn an additional income.

  • "I completely understand, why don't we get you booked for a party then you can earn your favorite goodies FREE as well as earn up to 5 collections or gift sets half off and if we get you booked for a January party TS is going to increase your rewards 50%. Is January a good month for you?

These are just a few things I've been saying. You can find more training and scripts on My HQ under training and support. Once you start making the calls you'll loose the fear of it, so, lets get started!!